Herve-Armand Bechy is a French-European. He has been professionally involved in the field of public art since 1976. He has written numerous articles on public art for professional magazines specializing in art, architecture, and urban design.
In 1983, he launched his own magazine: “Les Dossiers de l’Art Public” the first international magazine totally dedicated to the field of Public Art which was published for several years.
In 1997, H-A. Bechy founded the site an invaluable resource for information on public art projects and programs internationaly.
He is the author of three books:
Le Mouvement Muraliste aux Etats-Unis - Regard sur la peinture murale et l'Amérique des années 70. Published, 2014.
Introduction à l'art public contemporain - Essai critique sur les fondements de l'art public. Published on November, 2018.
L'Art Public Contemporain - Toute une histoire (1970-2020). Published on December, 2022.